Kingdom: Recuperavit.



Isabel Román (Spain), Qianni Chen (China), Beatriz Torre (Spain), Danfeng Gu (China).

A colorful material, with an agreeable aroma of citrus fruits, created from light and malleable, dry and semi-translucent skin of the lime, lemon, clementine, pomelo and bergamotto fruits. This material borns from the idea of analyzing the consumption of citrus fruits in the Mediterranean area, where hundreds of peels and fruit skins are daily discarded. By keeping their main characteristics, smell and color, the designers sewed the different skins creating different patterns contrasting and arranging the different skins of the fruits.


Material Qualities

Kingdom Attributes

  • Irregular
  • Light
  • Freedom of shape
  • Fibrous
  • Warm
  • Organic
  • Natural Color in Volume

Specific Material Attributes

  • Velvety
  • Soft
  • Fibrous
  • Texturized
  • Irregular
  • Rough

Basic Ingredients

  • Mycelium filamentous cells (hyphae).
  • Flour
  • Water
  • Rubbing Alcohol


Images property of the material owners.