Dr. Valentina Rognoli

Valentina is Associate Professor at the Design Department at the School of Design, Politecnico di Milano. She has been working in the field of materials for design for almost twenty years gaining expertise on this topic both in research and education. She has always been interested on the expressive-sensorial dimension of materials and their emotional aspects. Currently, her research and education activities are focused on emerging materials experiences, Materials Driven Design (MDD) method, materials interactions, DIY Materials, tinkering with materials, CMF (colour, material and finishing) design, repairing and imperfection.

Dr. Camilo Ayala-Garcia

Camilo is Associate Professor in the Design Department at the faculty of architecture and design, Los Andes University Colombia. Camilo obtained his Ph.D. degree on the topic of Do-It-Yourself Materials as triggers of change at Politecnico di Milano. Prior to this Ph.D. research, Camilo received his Bachelor’s degree in Industrial Design from the Los Andes University in Bogotá in the year 2004. He also obtained his Bachelor’s Degree in Textile Design from the same university simultaneously. In the year 2007, he received his Master of Arts in Design degree from Domus Academy (the University of Wales accredited school of design) in Milan awarded with Distinction.

Dr. Stefano Parisi

Stefano is Posdoctoral researcher in Design at Politecnico di Milano, Department of Design

Ziyu Zhou

Ziyu is a Ph.D. candidate in Design at Politecnico di Milano, Department of Design

Barbara Pollini

Barbara is a Ph.D. candidate in Design at Politecnico di Milano, Department of Design.


Christiaan Job Nieman Janssen

Christiaan is Assistant Professor in the Design Department at the faculty of architecture and design, Los Andes University Colombia.


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